Guest Internet - Acceptable Use Policy

The following policy applies to all who make use of the Church wireless networks and internet connection.

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of All Saints Church Newmarket, grants you access to its Wi-Fi network and thereby Internet connection providing you agree to abide by this policy.


This policy outlines the standards that All Saints requires all users of its electronic communications systems and equipment to adhere to.

What is covered by the Policy?

The use of the Wi-Fi network and Internet connection supplied by All Saints Church PCC.

Who is covered by the policy?

This policy covers all individuals who wish to use the Wi-Fi network and Internet connection supplied by All Saints Church PCC.

Internet Use

It is our policy not to allow unsupervised internet access to under 18’s or vulnerable adults (a vulnerable adult is defined as a person who, for any reason, may be unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation).

Should individuals or groups wish to use our Wi-Fi facilities, they must ensure under 18’s and vulnerable adults follow this policy, or internet access will be withdrawn.

Users are reminded that their use of the Internet will be directly traceable to our Internet address.

We therefore require that you not use the service for anything which:

  • is Illegal under current law;
  • is defamatory, threatening or which could be classed as harassment;
  • contains obscene, profane or abusive language;
  • contains pornographic material whether in writing, pictures, films or video clips;
  • contains offensive material regarding sex, race, religion or any disability or sexual orientation
  • infringes third party rights or is otherwise unlawful

Internet Content

All Saints Church does not filter internet traffic across it’s Wi-Fi network and Internet connection.  If you gain access to a website that you deem inappropriate, close your web browser immediately.

Systems and Data Security

All Saints will provide Internet access via the Wi-Fi network and will undertake reasonable steps to ensure it is secure from unauthorised users.  However, no guarantee can be made to this effect. You are responsible for your own anti-virus and anti-malware precautions. All Saints Church PCC will not be held responsible for any damage to your equipment whilst connected to its network.

You should not attempt to gain access to restricted areas of the network or to any password protected information without being duly authorised to do so.

Monitoring and Compliance

All Saints Church PCC reserves the right to protect its network and systems by recording user ACTIVITY but not CONTENT. That is to say, no CONTENT will be captured but that a list of activity may be recorded;

  • To ensure that the use of the system is legitimate and in accordance with this policy
  • To comply with any legal obligation

If the use constitutes a criminal offence, the information will be handed to the police.

Specific Permissions to you

Wireless access to the Internet in accordance with this policy.  Use of the Wi-Fi network provided by All Saints Church infers acceptance of this policy.

Release Version 1.0 (6th October 2021)

All Saints Church Newmarket PCC