
Regular morning services and format

9.00am Sundays - Holy Communion (BCP)

This service is taken from the Book of Common Prayer.  This is a quiet, peaceful service to start the day, lasting around half an hour and using the traditional language which people have enjoyed since the 17th Century.

10.15am Sunday Services

1st Sunday in month  - All Age Worship
Adults and children enjoying worship together.  This service is not Live Streamed.


2nd and 4th Sunday in month - Holy Communion
This service is from the Common Worship book. It uses clear, simple language in both words and music, with a separate session for children and young people. Everyone who loves the Lord Jesus is welcome to join in the bread and wine or come to the front for a blessing. If you are less mobile, we’re happy to bring communion to you. The children and young people return to the main service in time to share communion with everyone.


3rd and 5th Sunday in month - Morning Worship
Worship through song, prayer, Bible readings and teaching  (Includes separate time of teaching for children’s groups).

During the 10.15am services

  • There's a fun play area / crèche for the kids! We just ask that a responsible adult—like a parent, guardian, or someone the child knows well—stays in the room to keep an eye on them and make sure everyone is safe.
  • Kids for Christ.  Every week except the first Sunday of the month, kids Aged 3-10 (Preschool to Year 6) have a special time of teaching, song, activities and sharing.

After the 10.15 services 

  • Prayer ministry People are available to pray individually, in confidence, with anyone who would like this; just speak to the person who led the service to arrange this.
  • Refreshments Coffee, Tea and Biscuits are served in the open area at the back of the church.  Do stay for a chat so that we can get to know you better.

Live Streaming

You can join our live streamed services and access recordings of previous services via our YouTube channel.

Please note that not all services are live streamed or recorded.

Service Plan

You can download a quarterly service schedule.