The school is set in the heart of the town of Newmarket and prides itself in working closely with the local community and serving the children and their families to the best of our ability. Visitors to the school often comment on the friendly welcoming atmosphere and this is something we pride ourselves on. Christian values, such as compassion, forgiveness, perseverance and respect, are actively promoted and the children are encouraged to think about how they can develop these values in their own daily lives. We aim to provide high quality education to all our children where they can learn successfully in a supportive and stimulating environment. We have a talented and committed staff team who work extremely hard; we know and care about each individual and help each child to achieve to the best of their ability. At All Saints’ school, we are very conscious that children are happiest and learn most effectively when there is a close partnership between home and school, so we work towards building this partnership with our school families.